Saturday, July 16, 2011

Portland Art Museum

Today Lauren and I headed downtown with Seann and Megan to go to the Portland Art Museum.  They had a lot of interesting and some not-so-interesting pieces on display at the museum.  They have large collections of Native American pieces and English silver, as well as contemporary art.  They also have a program going on over the summer called "The Allure of the Automobile", for which the museum has several restored vintage vehicles on display.


The entrance of the museum

One of the vehicles on display in the lobby

One of my favorite pieces at the museum.  It is made up of many small blocks.  Some blocks have a brick pattern, some have imprinted skulls, and some have number imprints like those on a die.

This pig is made of silver.

Carved wood.
This piece is called "Greed"

A very colorful art.

This thrilling piece is titled "Blue, Gray, Green, Red".  If only all artists were so creative.

This sculpture reminded me of the T-1000 from Terminator.

This was a Native American serving tray, used during feasts.

This is made of many small pieces of carved wood that have been attached together.

A painting of Mt. Hood

A large glass sculpture

Another sculpture made of wood and a few other materials.

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