Saturday, July 2, 2011

Brewing at Block15

Back in May, Roxanne and I entered a couple of our homebrews into a competition that was being held by the brewpub and the homebrew store in Corvallis. One of our entries won the competition (out of 39 entries total). On Sunday June 26, I got to go down to Block15 in Corvallis to help in the brewing of our competition-winning entry. It was really cool to see their brewing equipment and setup, and the brew with and learn from the brewmaster at Block15. The finished beer should make it on tap some time in late July.  Unfortunately I didn't get many pictures from the brew day, but a few are below.


The Mash Tun.  The grains (malted barley) are mixed with hot water to convert the starches in the grain into sugars.

We then extract the sugary liquid (wort) from the Mash Tun into the Boil Kettle and bring the wort to a boil.

Hops are added at different times during the boil to provide bitterness, flavor, and aroma.

Spent grains.  We scooped them out into buckets, then later a local farmer collects them to feed their cows.

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