Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Getting the garden ready

With the weather starting to get nicer we've been able to get some work done in the garden. We don't have pictures of all the plants yet, but we have a few of them. With all of the Tesla picture posts lately we figured it was time for something a little different.

Buttercrunch and Romaine lettuce. This picture was taken a couple weeks ago so the lettuce is a lot bigger now.

Last year we had 3 strawberry plants. They all branched out and now we have a large patch of strawberry plants.

Last year we enjoyed our peppers so much we are growing a lot more of them this year. We have 4 Serrano plants, 3 Poblano, 2 Jalapeño, and 1 Habañero plant. Habañero peppers are among the hottest on the planet so we're not sure what we're going to do with them yet.

We also really enjoyed our onions last year. While they tasted delicious only about half of them grew to maturity last year, so this year we planted almost 100 onions.

The supervisor, hard at work.

We don't have any good pictures of the hops yet. We added a new variety of hop (Crystal) which will be developing its roots this year. Two of the hop plants (Nugget and Brewer's Gold) we put in last year already have vines almost 7 feet tall. The other two hop plants (both are Goldings) are slower but look healthy. We also planted our tomato plants in the garden last week. They were grown from seeds taken from last year's tomatoes. We'll have more pictures of the garden soon.

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