Monday, May 31, 2010

Brandon's trip to Yosemite National Park

I drove down to California and met up with some friends to head to Yosemite National Park for the weekend of May 14-16. After spending Thursday night in Madera, CA, on Friday (the 14th) we stocked up on food and water and drove to the park. Some construction in the southern end of the park delayed us slightly but we eventually made it into the valley. The views were quite incredible. El Capitan and Half Dome (two large rock formations) are bigger than I thought. We were able to spend most of the afternoon rock climbing at an area called Manure Pile Buttress. We made it about halfway up the wall before it started getting dark so we rappelled down from a nice ledge. All of the campsites at Yosemite were full so we had to leave the park and camp at the Mariposa fairgrounds.

Saturday morning we headed back into the park and spent the afternoon climbing at the same area. We took a different route, but again we didn't make it to the top before it got dark. So we rappelled down and ate dinner at the picnic area next to where we climbed. While we were eating a coyote came around looking for food. Soon after a park ranger drove by and suggested that we leave soon or risk being harassed by bears. Leaving the park again, we picked a spot by the side of the road to set up camp for the night.

Sunday morning after breakfast we headed back into Yosemite for some hiking. Our first hike of the day was to Yosemite Falls. There is a ground-level viewing area of the falls, as well as a trail to the top of the falls. After walking around the bottom for awhile we began our trek toward the top. We decided not to go all the way to the top since it is nearly 4 miles to the top (and a 2700 foot elevation gain) and we still wanted to do another hike. We made it a little past Columbia Rock, which is about 1 mile and 60 switchbacks along the trail. After making it back to the car, we drove to the southern end of the park to Mariposa Grove. The road to the grove was closed to vehicles, so we had to walk the 2 mile road. Maripose Grove is the largest grove of giant sequoias in the park, containing several hundred giant sequoias. Once there we made a 1.5 mile hike into the grove to see the Grizzly Giant and the California Tunnel Tree (pictures below). This was our last hike in Yosemite; by this point we were all tired and ready to leave.


This is El Capitan. It is one of the first things you see upon entering the valley. El Capitan is 3000 feet tall and one of the most popular climbing areas of Yosemite.

Brandon in front of El Capitan.

This river runs through the middle of the valley.

These are the Royal Arches. This is where we originally intended to climb, but as you can see in the picture the rock is still wet (the dark areas of rock) so we decided against attempting it.

This is one of the climbs at the Manure Pile Buttress. John did all of the lead climbing. He's sitting up at the tree belaying Rigo up to him.

Brandon climbing up the first pitch.

The second pitch ends at a really nice ledge with a good view of the valley.

The view across the valley from the ledge.

Back on the ground after a long rappel down.

A coyote running across a bridge.

A mule deer. We saw a lot of these around the park.

Second day of climbing. John is belaying Rigo up to his ledge.

Brandon hanging out on the same ledge from the previous picture.

A view of some of the big rock walls across the valley from our ledge.

A large boulder near the Manure Pile Buttress. I couldn't resist hopping on it.

My lone climbing injury. Not really sure when or how it happened.

Our campsite on the side of the road for Saturday night.

This is Yosemite Falls. It is the tallest waterfall in North America at 2,425 feet. We hiked almost halfway up the Falls trail.

A strange looking tree along the trail.

Columbia Rock is about 1 mile and 60 switchbacks along the trail. It is what I am sitting on in this picture. The rock in the background is Half Dome. Half Dome is more than 4700 feet tall and is another very popular climbing and hiking area. It is also featured on the back of the California state quarter.

The view of the valley from Columbia Rock. My car is parked in that parking lot (it's blocked by trees).

John, Rigo, and I at Columbia Rock with Half Dome in the background.

We continued along the trail past Columbia Rock to get a closer view of the Falls.

John and I taking a rest.

Brandon in front of the Falls.

The three of us in front of the Falls.

After the Falls trail we walked along the closed road to Mariposa Grove. John was getting tired so Rigo carried him part of the way.

The giant sequoias are absolutely massive.

Brandon in front of a fallen giant sequoia.

This giant sequoia is called the Grizzly Giant. It is estimated to be over 1800 years old, the oldest tree in the park. According to Wikipedia, this is the 25th largest tree in the world. It is hard to see in this picture, but there is a huge branch coming off the right side of the tree. This branch is larger than any other non-sequoia tree in the grove.

This is the California Tunnel Tree. The tunnel was carved in 1895 to allow vehicles to pass through. It is the only living tree with a tunnel in it.

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