Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wedding Day May 30, 2012

We were married in the Washington County Courthouse on May 30, 2012.  Here are some pictures from our ceremony and the dinner that followed.

Brandon and Roxanne about to head into the court room.

All our guests: Andy (with Sophia hiding), Karri, Christy, Becky, Ralph, Seann, Suzanne, Megan, Andrea and Paul (taking the photo)

Judge Letourneau reading our vows

Exchanging rings

You may kiss.

Roxanne and Brandon with their new marriage certificate

Brandon and Roxanne walking to dinner

We had dinner at a place called McMenamin's Cornelius Pass Roadhouse.  It was a perfect day for dinner outside.

Post-marital pizzas and beers

Cutting the cake

Ralph, Andrea, Brandon, Roxanne and Suzanne

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