Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow Day!

Tuesday morning I woke up to snow outside. Tesla and I headed out for our morning walk and to investigate the snow.

The snow outside my apartment in Corvallis.

Tesla really enjoyed running around in the snow and sniffing it too.

The garden is covered in snow.

"Ok, I've had enough of the snow. Let's go inside and sit in front of the heater."

Meanwhile, in Beaverton, Madison has found a nice place to rest. Don't tell Tesla.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Walk in the park

We had some beautiful weather today so Brandon took Tesla for a nice walk in the park.

Behaving very well in the park.

Relaxing in the sun.

Enjoying a bed of leaves.

It's really hard to get both of us looking at the camera at the same time.

Random Apartment pictures

Here are a few pictures from around the apartment.

The patio.

The dining room.

Rub my belly!