Sunday, August 30, 2009

Family at Cape Perpetua

The day before everyone left for Florida, we made another trip to the coast to visit Cape Perpetua.


Lauren is trying not to get her shoes wet.

Everyone looking at the water

A seal sunning himself

Family Visit Continued: Central Oregon

We all visited the Newberry National Volcanic Monument.

A cinder cone

A lava cast of a mature Ponderosa Pine


Ponderosa Pines growing in the lava

More lava


Upstream from the falls

We also visited and toured the Deschutes Brewery in Bend, OR.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Crater Lake

We went camping in Crater Lake National Park and took a drive around the lake.

Our first look at the lake.

A waterfall in the park

The phantom ship is made of rock that is 400,000 years old.


The pinnacles were formed from gas vents near the volcano.

Wizard Island

Pumice castle

Roxanne and Brandon

Heading down to the lake

Brandon by the lake.

Mom out on the water.

Brandon climbing on a boulder.

Brandon being silly.


Roxanne is getting her feet wet.


Contemplative Chris

Mom on a huge piece of pumice

Wizard Island, again

A ground squirrel

Having breakfast in the morning

Annie's Creek

Standing on a bridge

Family Visit: Day at the Coast

Roxanne's family came to Oregon for a vacation. We visited the Pacific coast for a day.

Mom and Roxanne

The Pacific

Lauren checking out the water.

Then she got in.

Later we went climbing at a park in Eugene.

Here is Chris doing very well climbing.

Just hanging around.