Monday, June 29, 2009

R/V Wecoma Cruise: 29 June 09 Day 1

At 10am, Monday morning, the R/V Wecoma, a research vessel from Oregon State University left port with me on it. We are planning to collect sediment cores from the sea floor near the coast. The weather was a little rough this morning to we are heading down to Monterey Bay California where the weather is nice to start coring there. Then we will move north stopping at various places to core sediment near river mouths.

The Wecoma in port at Newport, OR.

During our safety meeting we covered went over what to do during various emergencies on the ship, including if we need to abandon ship. So I had to get into a survival suit although this one was seriously too big. I fit much better in a size small. These suits will keep us all warm and buoyant if we ever needed to abandon ship.

Captain Rick driving the ship.

Maryann, Jessica and Katy my three bunk mates.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Newberry Volcano and Smith Rock Climbing

On the weekend of June 18 to 21, we drove to Central Oregon to go camping. We visited the Newberry National Volcanic Monument and met some friends to go rock climbing in Smith Rock State Park.

When we arrived at Newberry volcano we hiked a short trail through a lava flow. In the background you can see the Lava Butte cinder cone.

Tree trying to grow in the lava.

Brandon on the trail.

More lava.

We drove to the top of the cinder cone to see the 150 foot crater.

Later we hiked into a lava tube that was over a mile long.
There was no lighting in the cave so we took a propane lantern along.

Ice in the cave.

Brandon in the cave.

The end of the cave got very narrow and short.
Roxanne went ahead anyway to investigate.

Roxanne next to a nearby waterfall.

We walked on a short trail through an obsidian flow.

Roxanne sitting on some obsidian.

Large pieces of obsidian near the trail.

Brandon in snow.

Our new tent.

On the second day we went climbing at Smith Rock State Park.

Brandon belaying as Roxanne climbs.

Now it is Brandon's turn.

On the way up.

The view is even nicer at the top of the climbs.

Brandon on another climb.

Roxanne on the way up.

Almost done.

Brandon with a helmet and tying a good climbing knot.
Safety first!

Brandon attempting a very difficult climb.

Brandon made some progress, but he wasn't able to finish.

Broken Top and the Sisters in the distance.

On the third day, we did some climbing and rappelling.

Brandon climbing.

Brandon taking a moment to rest and wave at the camera.

Roxanne did do some climbing on this day too, but we only got pictures of her rappelling.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


We have started to brew beer.
For our first attempt, we are brewing an Amber Ale.

All the supplies

Here are all of the ingredients.

First we steeped the grains then added the malt extract.

Once everything was boiling we added the hops.

Once everything has cooled down, we strained off the solids and put the brew in this primary fermentation bucket. Then we added the yeast and sealed it up. It will be in here for about a week then we transfer it to our secondary fermentation carboy. We did taste our un-fermented beer before we added the yeast and it tasted pretty good. The yeast are working, and the bubbles coming out of the fermenter smell like beer (that's a good sign).

Garden Update

The tomato plants are getting bigger and we even have a few tiny green tomatoes.

The lettuce we planted is getting really big.

These are the brewer's gold hops we planted from a rhizome.
The plant has rooted and we are getting some small vines.

That tiny hop plant we showed you in May has been growing really well!
The tallest vine on the string is 6 feet tall now.

Because these hop plants get so big, we put together a support system with some strings for the vines to climb. Roxanne couldn't reach so Brandon had to do it.

The whole garden.