Monday, April 20, 2009


On April 2 we went to the coast and visited the Oregon Coast Aquarium.

Puffins and auks at the bird exhibit.

A sea otter

Madison staying warm under the covers.

Madison investigating some catnip.

On Sunday, April 19, we went for a bike ride through town.

We biked by some OSU farms. This farm had a few llamas hanging around.

Roxanne riding toward a covered bridge.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Rock Climbing at Smith Rock State Park, OR

During the last weekend of March, we visited Smith Rock State Park with some friends. This was our first time climbing outdoors and camping together.

Hiking to our first climb at the Rope de Dope block.

Brandon belaying Rachel, a fellow chemical oceanography graduate student and a more experienced climber. All of the climbing we did was top-rope climbing, where the rope is anchored at the top of the climb. The climber is attached to one end, and the belayer to the other. To belay a climber is to take up slack from the rope as the person climbs, so that if the climber were to lose their footing he or she would not fall. Once at the top the climber is lowered slowly.

Roxanne heading up her first climb. The top is about 40 feet high.

Roxanne climbing a crack later in the day.

This was our home for the weekend.

Most of our climbing group.

The second day we crossed the river to climb in another area. This area is a few hundred feet above the river. From here, the Rope de Dope block looks pretty small.

Roxanne heading up another climb. This climb is about 80 feet high.

Brandon and another climber in our group belaying.

Brandon getting ready to climb.

On the way up.

Almost there...

At the top!

The view of the river.

Heading back to camp after climbing for the day.

The view from camp.

The last day was freezing. It snowed while we were climbing.

Brandon and Rachel climbing while trying to stay warm.

Roxanne getting ready to climb.

The start is the hardest part on this climb.

Roxanne can't feel her fingers and toes.

Almost done.

Brandon doing a great job belaying.