Saturday, February 14, 2009

Snow Day

It snowed lightly on the morning of February 10th.

Snow on the ground.

Snow on Brandon's car.

Cat in a box.

Brandon's Road Trip to Oregon

Some pictures from Brandon's trip across the country.

Day 1 - Biloxi, MS
Day 2 - San Antonio, TX
Day 3 - Lordsburg, NM
Day 4 - Pasadena, CA
Day 5-7 - Sunnyvale, CA
Day 8 - Corvallis, OR

I stayed the first night in Biloxi, MS. This is a view of the gulf from the hotel.

I had lunch the second day at the Pujo Street Cafe in historic downtown Lake Charles, LA.

While in San Antonio, TX, I visited Mission Concepcion National Historic Park.

Part of the mission.

These two dogs followed me around the mission.

The mission church.

Inside the church. The front area is under renovation.

Western Texas. Not much out there.

Arizona had some interesting terrain.

A green tree at a rest area in Arizona.

Tiger who?

Visiting the coast in Half Moon Bay, California.

Coming up on Mt. Shasta in northern California.

The other side of Mt. Shasta.