Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunshine at the Coast

On Saturday, I went for a drive since it was such a nice sunny weekend.

Elk in Jewell Meadows

Elk at play

The beach

Monday, January 12, 2009

Steelhead Fishing

I went steelhead fishing on the Alsea River.

That's me with my 8.4 lbs. steelhead.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

First Snow

In December, it snowed in Corvallis.
I went up to the mountains to play in all the snow there.

Snow on a small road.

My first Snowman.

Then I left the snow to visit family in warm and sunny Florida.

Sampling in California

In November, I went soil sampling in California. I was sampling in a national forest that has recently been burned by a wildfire.

A burned hillside.

Most of the trees and plants were dead and charred.

That's me hiking around.

I got pretty dirty.

Digging holes and sampling the soil.

Me, Jeff, and Tomo (guys that work in my lab) with our big truck.

New to Oregon

My first OSU Beaver football game. OSU v Hawaii. The beavers won.

One of my first bellydance performances in Oregon at the Benton County Fair and Rodeo.